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Anxiety/Anti Stress blend




A powerful combination to ease anxiety, improve circulation and balance thyroid hormones.  Helps with sleep quality.


Best taken evenings, and mornings if required.   Add to a cup of your favourite herbal tea or put a dropper full under your tongue and let it absorb into your bloodstream.


Rosemary  Strengthens the memory, decreases flatulence, strengthener of fragile blood vessels, relief of headaches, stimulates the nervous system. Has been used to improve circulation and may restore a youthful glow, It is believed to prevent baldness.

Lemon Balm   Helps relieve stress and nervousness. It is thought that the volatile oils in lemon balm contain chemicals that relax muscles, particularly in the bladder, stomach, and uterus, thereby relieving cramps, gas and nausea. Useful for high blood pressure.

Chamomile  Chamomile has immune boosting properties and is helpful for treating colds, sinusitis, staph and strep toxins. It also helps with menstrual cramps, headaches, neuralgia, backache, stress, anxiety, and ADD.  Beneficial for a better quality of sleep. 



Anti Stress Herbal Tincture

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